Fee Payment form for International Aerospace Olympiad 2023
Important: After Filling the Registration form, complete the fee payment process below:
Select the Correct Payment link below to pay the participation fee.
1) Fee Payment page for International Participants (Individual Participation)
Those students studying outside India will register themselves as International Participants. Please find below the Steps to Register:
STEP 1: To complete the Registration, click on the payment button below.
STEP 2: Fill the details correctly and complete the Fee payment process.
STEP 3: After Successful payment, Every registrant will receive their Registration Card on the email within 24 hr of successful Payment.
2) Fee Payment page for National/Indian Participants (Individual Participation)
Those students studying in India will register themselves as National Participants. Please find below the Steps to Register:
STEP 1: To complete the Registration, Click on the payment button below.
STEP 2: Fill the details correctly and complete the Fee payment process.
STEP 3: After Successful payment, Every registrants will receive their Registration Card on the email within 24 hr of successful Payment.
3) Fee Payment page for Participating School.
The School registration will be done by the school (Coordinators/Teachers/Principal/Head) to participate in International Aerospace Olympiad 2021.
- STEP 1: Click on the School Registration link below.
- STEP 2: In the registration page, fill all the details correctly.
- STEP 3: After Registration, We send school Registration Form and Payment Form on the registered email id.
- STEP 4: School can take the registration of students and collect the name and participation fee from the interested students of Grade 1st – 12th.
- STEP 5: The registration process must be completed by the school within 30 days of the School Registration.
- STEP 6: School needs to fill the payment form and send us Students Registration excel sheet along with the participation fee to complete the registration process.
- NOTE: The password for study materials, sample papers and the online test papers will be provided after 20th Jan 2021.